Merry Christmas!

I hope your Christmas was filled with joy!

This is such a beautiful time of the year and we pray that as you celebrate Christ's birth with your family and friends that you get a chance to go to that place.... of seeing baby Jesus in a manger. Animals and stable smells surrounding. Stats shining brightly. And soaking up the atmosphere of that night. Go there in your mind. And your heart.  Really. Close your eyes and just imagine. Where is all began. Jesus.

And enjoy each moment you get to celebrate this event. It's a beautiful thing.


Merry Christmas from the Yancy family!

Now for you viewing pleasure, I want to share our Christmas card and letter with you!

Enjoy- so much love to you all!




The Yancy Happenings
Merry Christmas, sweet friends!
We are sure most of you keep up with Meghan’s intense social media adventures so we will keep this short and sweet.  Thanks for being a part of our lives. Celebrate the birth of our Savior with everything you have! Today is a great day! Have a holly jolly Christmas!
Seborn- Started his new job as an Assistant Principal and settling very nicely. He is also an assistant boys varsity basketball coach and enjoying being on the coaching staff with his high school coach. He still enjoys running, reading and relaxing.  Keep him in your prayers for healing in his knee.
Meghan- Is homeschooling the kids and enjoying each day as a stay-at-home mom. She is still running her Young Living business and added in her own website, blog, and Etsy shop to continue her brand of TODAY and living with joy in the ordinary moments we are given each day. She is expanding her social media reach and fitting in speaking engagements and writing opportunities while pursuing other goals and passions in life. Check out all that is going on at She loves being able to pour into the kids all day every day while blessing others and enjoying each day of it!
Makkedah- at 7 years old, she looks and acts like a 10 year old. She is the “2nd mom” in the house and always ready to help out in some way. She loves maps and learning about geography. She will be getting her own globe for Christmas and is very excited to learn about that. Kedah learned all the books of the Bible this year and loves reciting them. She is the world’s biggest eavesdropper and is pretty proud of her listening abilities. She will admit that one of her favorite past times is listening to mommy and daddy have conversations. She’s so sneaky with it too. She is JOY in a little girl. It embodies who she is.
Samaria- Sweet and sassy SamSam is 6 now and she is passion and fire all mixed into a little ball of cuteness. She is learning how to read this year and gets more excited with each word she learns how to sound out. She can usually be found holding a baby, either her little brother or her little cousins. Sam loves to snuggle any chance she gets and can use her imagination in extraordinary ways. We love seeing her grow and let her creativity run wild. Meghan made her a shirt that says, “I’m not bossy. I just have leadership skills,” that she wears proudly. We are going to put those “leadership skills” to good use and help her grow into the amazing woman God created her to be.
Nehemiah- At the tender age of 4, little Neo is the middle child and has many introverted tendencies. While he is quiet and shy in public, at home, he is a complete wild man. We are learning to embrace and encourage his different attributes as he explores the world around him. He loves picking on all his sisters… almost takes pleasure in making them scream “STOP!” So, yah, there is that too. And 2 minutes later, they will all be snuggling up on the couch together. He is so loved and taken care of by his sisters and has endless playmates in them. He loves watching sports with daddy and pretty much anything that involves running and throwing a ball. He is working on his colors and mom has picked up that he thinks it is funny to give the wrong answers. Which mom does not think is funny at all. The joys of homeschooling. He is going to be an incredible man of God. It all starts right here, right now.
Shiloh- This tiny firecracker keeps us on our toes. She is 2 and full of tenacity and zeal. She runs the Yancy household. (Just kidding, but maybe not completely.) Shiloh knows what she wants and she goes for it. She makes the BEST facial expressions and is dancing if she ever hears the slightest sound of music. She loves viciously. She is always hugging and kissing on people. Grabbing their faces and pulling them close to hers. She is passionate about life and loves the simple things. Shi is super sneaky. If she can’t be found, she has most likely stolen someone’s phone, hacked into it and watching a movie under a blanket or in a closet. She loves being with her family and brings a smile to everyone’s face.
Zion- Is experiencing his first Christmas this year at 11 months old. He has been the perfect addition to our family bringing the grand total (so far) to 7 of us. He started out very quiet and calm coming into this world. And then completely flipped the scripts and loves to cry and whine ALL. DAY. LONG. He loves to be held and basically breastfeed 24/7. If he’s not on the boob, he’s not a happy camper. Most days, he can be found… nursing. Have I said yet, how much he loves to eat? But not just real food, mostly mom’s milk. That’s our life right now, and its glorious in all it’s annoying, tiring and frustrating ways. Life is truly beautiful and this precious baby boy is a miracle in such a tangible way. He is here, he is healthy, he is growing, he is strong. And he is growing so much patience in mommy.

 So, there you have it! Be filled with love and peace as you celebrate the birth of Jesus with the ones you love!

   “For you shall go out in joy & be sent forth in peace.” Isaiah 55:12

   -the yancy family (seborn,  meghan,  makkedah,  samaria, nehemiah, shiloh & zion)


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