Minne Mama Meetup

Gathering together.

Minnesota Moms. That is our common ground. There are so many other differences but we bond first in that common fact.

It’s extraordinary. The energy and love that exudes when women gather together and purposefully walk into a room where we let our guards down and open ourselves up for new friendships.

I think many of us can agree, motherhood can be lonely. We don’t find the space and place to grow together. There isn’t enough time in the day, energy in our bodies, or desire in our packed schedules. So, we leave it be. But what if, we made the time. The time to invest into eachother, to grow together and to do some super rad things?


That’s why we created Minne Mama Meetup. A special time for Minnesota Moms to collectively come together, get to know one another on a deeper level, network, be encouraged, and feast. We wanted to make a space JUST FOR YOU. To get away from your every day grind and just come and be you. Not in mom-mode but in a mental capacity to engage with other women and make friends. Which we all know can be hard to do at times.


Tell the hubby to watch the kiddos or grab a sitter and meet up with us.

We explore different locations each month, have super stellar local giveaways from makers and shakers and always have some tasty treats and wine available to you. Invest into some time for YOU. Bring a friend. Make a friend. Join our community.


Here is the link to grab tickets (almost sold out) for our January 16 at Tonkadale.


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