
Walk through our home on any given day and you will encounter blanket ladders in multiple rooms and blankets available for use anywhere. I am constantly adding new and cozy blankets to our collection. With 8 people, there are so many snuggles happening and adding the perfect blanket to the mix is just the cherry on top.

One of the favorite blankets in our collection is our Tranquility blanket. The material is so soft and they are weighted blankets so beyond the comfort of it, there are actual health benefits to their use, including help with relieving anxiety and promoting relaxation. Did you know that? I know… it’s wild! So, let me tell you all about it!


The Tranquility Weighted Blankets apply deep calming pressure to help you relax, fall asleep easier, stay asleep and have a more peaceful nights rest so that you wake up feeling more rested. This is great for everyone! And, they can even help calm and comfort those who suffer from stress, anxiety, autism, ADD, ADHD, or sleep issues. Using a weighted blanket has helped me feel soothed and calmed, while providing a safe, natural solution to improve my sleep.

Everyone wants to de-stress and decompress at the end of a long day. And oftentimes, that involves relaxing, whether watching TV on the couch or cuddled up with a good

book or podcast, these de-stressing activities can be maximized when using a weighted blanket because of the calming and secure affect they have on our bodies.

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Tranquility blankets are designed to help both adults and children relax so they can rest well and recharge. My kids LOVE this blanket and often time are all snuggled up against it during movie time or taking turns and using it as their main blanket at night. Those are often the nights they sleep through the night and wake up very rested. (Guess I’m going to need 6 of them soon.)

There are also different sizes and weights of a Tranquility blanket – from 6 to 20 pounds- so you get to choose what works best for you. I know from experience, these blankets have made a really great impact on our family and functioning. We are big fans! And just to point out, some people are worried about them being too hot but we have never noticed any issue with that. And there is temperature balancing technology built into these blankets, so they are really made with great design in mind.


These blankets are available both in store and online at and so you can get your weighted blanket game on asap! Honestly, go check out Tranquility and get all the deets to make your home a more peaceful place with the simplicity of a cozy blanket. Snuggle up and make a fun family tradition out of it!

To cap off my love for my blanket love, I want to end with giving you some ideas for the best ways to destress at the end of the day:

  1. Have a basket where you set devices and LEAVE them. Go cozy up with your partner and enjoy sounds of nature or a good conversation face to face.

  2. Family movie night! (My kids ask for this EVERY night so maybe choose a designated day of the week for it.

  3. Netflix and chill.

  4. Head outside to a hammock and your blanket and nap.

  5. Crawl in bed with blanket and good book in hand.

  6. Create a nook or sweet space in your home that is always waiting for your presence to rest.

  7. Make a little library and pillow and blanket area to read and cuddle with the kids.

There are so many ways to help us with anxiety and stress that is throw at us daily- this could just be one of those great things to add to you arsenal of support. This is just another asset to help you wind down, sleep better and live a life of more purpose and wellness.

If you need us, we’ll be over here, cozied up under the weight of our Tranquility blanket, living our best lives.

Meghan Yancy2 Comments