Essential Oils for Wisdom Teeth

Essential Oils for Wisdom Teeth

I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled out. I know that it is really not a big deal for most people but I was FREAKING OUT! They wanted to put me to sleep to do it because the bottom 2 were partially impacted. I've never had my teeth pulled or been put to sleep so it was just double whammy for me and I was so nervous.

And I just felt like I had heard many horror stories of it. How painful it was. The recovery. The bruising. The swollenness. I dreaded it all.

So the morning of the oral surgery, along with prayer, I applied some Valor and StressAway on my forearms and chest. Courage and calm is what I needed.

After the procedure, we headed home to rest for the day.

Every time I changed my gauze, I added my Young Living clove oil to the gauze- maybe 3-5 drops per side of the gauze and added a little warm water. It helped soothe and numb the area.



I also applied Frankincense with some coconut oil along my jawline 1-2 times a day for the first 4-5 days. I would pray over myself and my healing as I applied it.

Another alternative if you don't have clove, is using the Thieves.

Now, the oral surgeons had prescribed me an antibiotic mouthwash, an antibiotic, and a painkiller. And I didn't have to use any of them. I would have had to extend my time off from nursing if I would have taken the painkillers but I didn't need even one.

Try also applying Panway, Peppermint and Copaiba in that order with a layering effect onto your jawline and any areas that are hurting.

I was able to keep the gauze out by the end of that first evening and attempt to talk a little bit. I slept just fine that night and my healing for the rest of the days was so much better than I had ever expected! It was not nearly as bad as I had heard or thought it would be. I had no bruising and no swelling!

On another note, I did need to pump a few times throughout those first 24 hours but it wasn't as much as my son would have usually nursed. And my nursing schedule was thrown off. Plus, I was pretty much on a liquid diet for 3-4 days and my milk supply had really decreased. I took Fennel oil internally in a capsule 2 twice a day and almost applied it directly on my breasts and my milk supply increased and was just fine.

Plus, diffusing Lavender and Grounding really helped me relax during the healing as I rested for a few days.

And now, my mouth has 4 less teeth and a lot more room! And I am super thankful for the way I was able to incorporate my oils into the process!

Aisha Leuthardt1 Comment