Cell Phone Permit

We always said that our kids wouldn’t be getting cell phones until around 16 years old. Which, i still think is a great age. It’s the age when both my husband and I got our first phones. It IS a new generation with different needs, however, I still felt like 16 was a good age to trust our kids with their own cell phone.

And then our oldest daughter turned 11.

She is the oldest and very mature for her age, responsible and trustworthy. She also looks (and sometimes acts like she is 14/15. She had started asking for a cell phone maybe around 9 or 10 but there wasn’t even a need for her. But around 11, we started seeing it. She was beginning to be involved in new activities and it was difficult to stay in contact with her when needed.

I think back to my childhood and my parents didn’t need constant tabs on us. We were good. And they were good. So, why do I feel the need to have constant strings to my kids when they aren’t physically with me? (Which isn’t even very often.) Again, different generation. Different times and I was to stay wise in what is needed and when it is needed.

At this time, my kids were also all homeschooled. They were almost 100% of the time with me. But my daughter was also making friends and I wanted her to be able to stay in connection with them as well to grow friendship. When I was younger, we would call each other on our home phones and say hi to parents in passing the phone off. Or…. AIM. Those were fun days. But we have evolved into different communication in the 2020’s here. I must adapt. In the ways that work for our family.

Still apprehensive of what this would look like for our family, my husband and I began the conversation of getting our 11 year old daughter her own cell phone.

After much conversation and rules laid down, we surprised her with a phone. I don’t think she was expecting it but we trusted her with it. She needed to earn it as well so we said that she would have to work to earn her $20 per month bill with babysitting and helping with outside chores she doesn’t just normally have as being part of the family.

There has only been one minor situation where we have needed to take her phone away from her in the past almost 2ish years. Shes been great with it and if we ever witness her being on her phone too much, we remind her and she shows us swiftly how much control she has over her usage. She is very diligent and obedient with it and respectful of the rules.

Truth is, we want her to enjoy her childhood. Not be caught up in her phone. It should be a tool for convenience but not for living. And so, we have been really proud of her with not getting caught up nor addicted to her phone.

Almost a year into her having a phone, our church came out with an incredible program called Cell Phone Permit. We put Makkedah through the course which was available through her school at the time and on our church campus and we believe it was an incredible asset to her maturity and knowledge of cell phone usage.

I still remember the day at church when our pastor shared his vision for cell phone permit. He said that our kids are required to go through 30 something hours of behind the wheel training with a licensed adult to help teach them driving skills before they even get to take their test for their own licensure.

However, with phones, that have access to literally almost everything and anything on the planet, we just hand it over like its nothing. With no training. No resources. No guidance in how to operate such a powerful tool. And we do it at such a young age and don’t train and teach our kids on its proper usage and power.

I hadn’t thought of it like that before and it really stuck with me.

Once they launched the program, we knew we wanted to get Makkedah in and it was integral for her and the structure of her using her phone moving forward. They learn about time, internet, apps, bullying and so much more. It’s an extremely comprehensive program that truly prepares kids for using a cell phone and having the knowledge and tools to be equipped to handle it maturely and responsibly.

Now, our second oldest daughter is currently 11 as I write this and turning 12 in the summer and we are no where even near a place where we are ready to have a conversation about her getting a phone. She is a different child with a different personality and different maturity and needs. Our Sam is not in a place where I feel I want her to have, nor that she needs a cell phone. I don’t actually see that conversation even happening for a few more years. And we talk with her about that and have open dialogue about what that looks like. Your child is unique and there is no set age on when it is okay or not okay for cell phone usage. But at whatever age you are questioning there is a need or a desire, are you evaluating if you have prepared them for that responsibility?

Now, with the Cell Phone Permit, you have everything you need to and all the tools to help equip them for such a big change and powerful tool at their fingertips.

The really neat thing is that you can now purchase the program for at home use and have the entire curriculum to go through for your child. It is available for in person classes in specific locations but otherwise, available across the nation online.

If you want more information or to try a free lesson, you can email hello@cellphonepermit.com.

You can also use code meghan10 to get a discount on your at-home curriculum at Cell Phone Permit. Make an investment in your child’s future and foundation of good and healthy cell phone usage. Give them a step ahead with the wisdom on how to smartly navigate this digital age with specific training and assistance on something so huge and important.

Meghan YancyComment