Union Depot.

I’ve never in my life experienced a real life in-person tree lighting. Until now.


We headed to Union Depot on Friday for the holiday tree lighting and family movie night and we had such a good time! Such a good time, in fact, that we are headed back there on Tuesday for the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train event!

First of all, the history of Union Depot is so rich and wonderful. And when you walk through the doors and see the architecture and character, you can almost envision the people who must have walked through those doors decades prior. And the families who sat and waited on benches for their next adventure via train ride. It was such a beautiful experience.

For the holiday tree lighting, we had hot chocolate, tree glow sticks, games galore and movie night (which was Elf, my favorite!) We all crowded around outside for the tree lighting it was as wonderful as I could have anticipated! Standing around with tons of strangers and counting down to the final light and finishing it up with a thrilling firework display. We loved it! Might just have to become a yearly tradition.


Along with it all was the European Christmas Market, which was outside (so bundle up) and so cool to see all the vendors, food, handmade items and Christmas culture of Europe. The kids were asking so many questions so we are able to do some fun digging and learning about European Christmas along with our research of train travel. It was such an enriching experience all around!

We cannot wait to go back and have another experience at Union Depot for the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train event now too! It’s happening on December 10th and it’s a perfect holiday outing with your family and its FREE! There will be a live concert from the train!

You can get VIP tickets and are encouraged to bring a charitable donation or non-perishable food item for Merrick Community Services.

Yancy’s will be there so come say hi if you go and see us there! Join the holiday magic with us and create a new unique tradtion!

And go to Union Depot’s website to see their calendar of events because they offer a variety of events throughout December.

Visit https://www.uniondepot.org/holiday/ to learn more!


Union Depot is the hub for the holidays!

Meghan YancyComment