What does gratitude mean to you?

We are embarking on this beautiful season where so much of our focus naturally gravitates towards gratitude.

So, let’s chat about it. What are you grateful for? Where do you find gratitude? What do those things truly mean to you?

It’s so neat to reflect on these questions, especially in the stunning views of autumn. I love the concepts of focusing on gratitude as well.

  1. Write in a gratitude journal

  2. Write down 3 things you are thankful for at the end of each day

  3. Add pieces of paper to a mason jar throughout the year and read them on New Years’ Eve

There are so many ways to begin, end, and dwell in gratefulness. And truly, it can be a concept that is seamlessly woven into our every day life. Are you practicing it?


I can easily rattle off the daily blessings that I am utterly so deeply thankful for. And then there are the moments where you feel that urge of reflection to truly sit down, map out and marinate in those things and people that make your life more full.


That’s what I wanted to do here. And I wanted to inspire you to do the same. To really take a moment set apart and ponder on, write, create and proclaim what you are grateful for.

So much of this process has been prompted from the sincerity and excitement elicited from Life is Good. Their mission and vision to help spread goodness and positivity into the world is contagious and makes a difference. From the simplicity of a shirt, I found such joy in my little Zion. He wore my “Good Vibes” shirt for his superman cape and I watched him “fly” around our yard. That was a moment of gratitude.


On this day, October of 2019, here is my list of what I am grateful for:

  1. A swift and strong gust of constant wind that almost blows you over- and because of it, you laugh with your daughters

  2. The warmth of an autumn sunset- the golden tones that stream through the branches in the trees

  3. The ability in my bones to run around a field and play catch with my son

  4. A 10 minute “date” with my husband with the kids running all around us. But we had a thermos, a blanket and a napping baby that allowed us a little time of connection

  5. The sound of crunching leaves beneath our feet… simply because we can hear them

  6. A husband whom I catch staring at me, because he is smitten with me, and I with him

  7. Exploring abandoned houses and discovering old books with my kids


Now, it’s your turn. Good vibes only. What does gratitude mean to you? What are you grateful for today?

Meghan YancyComment