Life is Good.

Life is Good.

It’s a mantra I try to live out daily and it’s a perspective I strive to instill in my children. As a homeschool mama, I have ample time to be able to TEACH them this and SHOW them this. But really no matter HOW your situation looks, as mothers, we each have a unique opportunity to show our children life through a lens of gratitude. It begins with us. To teach the younger generation the power of optimism. No matter what their learning style is or how their schooling method is structured, we each have a space to show this. I am going to share what that looks like for me as a homeschooling mom.


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Since I am basically with my children 24/7, they see all the pieces of me. They see the times I am high on life and they see the times I am overwhelmed and stressed. Which gives me a open spaces to share what we can learn through the pits of life and how rewarding it is to walk through the peaks of life.

In fact, every night during dinner, we go around the table and do “highs and lows” where everyone gets a chance to share what the highlight of their day was and also one tough part of the day. Many nights, the kids don’t have a low but we have a rule that you HAVE to have a low. Because it gives us an opportunity to access the pain of situations and grow through them. It allows us the space to talk about what we could have done different, or what we feel through that experience. It oftentimes, brings us right back to our high because we choose to view those “lows” as a learning and growing experience. We view it through a lens of optimism.

With homeschooling, I’m always trying to find new ways to teach them about being kind and having an optimistic outlook on life. Throughout our lessons and playtime, I feel like I am constantly reminding the kids, “Be kind. Talk kind. Show kindness.” It’s a common phrase in the Yancy house. But I want that to be what fills the atmosphere. I want that to be a whisper they remember and act on.

Did you know that just THINKING positive thoughts and going into new/stressful situations with an open mind can lead to a better mental and physical well-being. Did you know that positive affirmations in our thoughts and words can have a direct impact on our brain and heart and belief systems about life? That’s why it is so important to start thinking in this mindset early on in life to carry it into future generations! It is so beneficial for us to set that example for our little ones now.

Even when I teach essential oils classes and talk about the frequency of our bodies, I mention these positive thoughts. They have a huge impact on our health and so it matters what we are passing onto to our young ones based on how we live our lives now. They are watching us! It is already infused into our homeschool curriculum, throughout our daily tasks and I am finding new ways to improve my routine and teaching style by adding gratitude, positivity and optimism into everything I do.

Truth be told, I have positivity plastered all around my home. It’s filled with signs of encouragement and inspiration, gracing our walls. I want them to see good words of life infused all around them, reading and ingraining the words upon each new room they walk in so that it becomes sewn into their very viewpoint of life. One of hope and joy and that life is truly good.

It’s a big reason why I am absolutely giddy to be partnering with Life is Good. With some incredible products that truly inspire positivity and encouragement, they are helping spread the mission of optimism in the world. I’m excited to share more about them in the coming weeks and months. For now, all the clothes you see us wearing in this post, are from Life is Good and I can tell you that even just wearing them, serves as such a good reminder to live for today and find joy in the right now.

I would love for you to share #SomethingGood that happened to you today. I want to encourage you to start living in this mindset of optimism. Step by step, day by day. .We can each make a difference in the next generation.

Meghan YancyComment