Dough Dough.

Everyone knows that cookie dough is the best part about cookies. And the genius at Dough Dough have made all your cookie dough dreams come true. I remember my sister first telling me about this food truck that sells edible cookie dough and I knew I had to check it out and my expectations were met and exceeded!

Now, Dough Dough has their own shop front at The Mall of America and if you are taking a trip there, you need to make a stop and get some cookie dough.

They also do a really neat take on some charity work. And I’m so happy to be partnering with them in the month of May this year to help promote it.

Dough’nation Dough is a where a specific flavor for the month is showcased and a percentage of proceeds are donated to a charity of choice.

Which brings me to the introduction of FLOWERS:


I had a few flavor suggestions and through some trial and error, Dough Dough happened upon the BEST FLAVOR. I am so thrilled with how it came out and cannot wait for people to try it.

May Flowers is a lavender + lemon cookie dough!

It is made with Young Living Lavender + Lemon vitality essential oils and topped off with a lemon marshmallow glaze, lavender sprinkles and some beautiful edible flowers for an extra dose of pretty. We did a fun taste test and I was blown away! It isn’t too sweet and the tangyness of the lemon blends perfectly with lavender which has a smooth after taste. I was so impressed!


Even my kiddos were loving the May Flowers cookie dough blend and with it being May, this is just the perfect month for this flavor. It is spring and the flowers are blooming and we have that floral pop into the dough.

And with Mother’s Day arriving this month, what a fun way to bless our mamas and daughters with some edible cookie dough. It makes the perfect date or gift!


The best part is that a portion of every sale of this dough will be going to Hope for Justice which is an organization that “exists to bring an end to modern slavery by preventing exploitationrescuing victimsrestoring lives and reforming society.” They do incredible work and are changing lives and I’m happy to be a small part of it this month with Dough Dough.

Get your calendar out and plan a day to go get some Lavender + Lemon cookie dough at the MOA and bring a group of friends with to grab some and make a difference while you are at it!

We are actually planning a fun evening out with my essential oil team to grab some dough + donate!

I would love to hear what you think about the flavor and just as a side note… my next favorite cookie dough flavor is Celebration so feel free to give that one a try too!

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