Golden Birthday.

5 years ago, on April 5, I gave birth to our little Shiloh Julia Helen on Seborn’s actual birthday. It was magical. Funny story, we were told around 20 weeks pregnant that Shiloh was a BOY and thus, had Elijah stenciled on the nursery wall and I was journaling to my son for the 20 weeks after that. Surprise!

Anyways, it was a beautiful moment to hand my husband our baby as the most perfect birthday gift anyone could ever give a loved one.

I’ll never top that, and that’s okay. Shiloh girl is perfection. And this year, 2019, we celebrated her Golden Birthday and she was over-the-moon excited! Seebz turned 34 and he had a little trouble feeling old but we had such a great day celebrating. Dance parties, Potbelly Sandwich Shop for lunch, opening gifts, singing and the most beautiful and delicious golden cake. I am so excited to share it all with you!


I love her joy and it shines through every single day but it was so special to take this day and celebrate her life and make her feel so intensely loved for exactly the beautiful little soul she is.

Their beautiful golden cake was from Mixed Sugars Creations and it was more than I could have ever imagined. I told her about it being for Shiloh’s golden birthday and we wanted it gold and left everything in her hands and was blown away by the outcome. I love seeing artist work in their craft and design such beautiful masterpieces. She was so thoughtful in her creation and designed a cake that would be special to Shiloh. She did a beautiful beaded “S” for both Seborn + Shiloh and used real flowers in her design. She was so sweet and added the daisy which is April’s flower. The golden flakes and white chocolate accents just put it over the top and made for a gorgeous display. And to top it all off, the cake was delicious! So moist and flavorful, we were thoroughly impressed. I could feel the love she poured into its design and creation.

All of our celebratory decor was from my main party supplier, Geese and Ganders. They are my GO-TO for all our parties now and I love the whole process. I come up with a theme and they have the perfect decor and accessories to accommodate all our needs. It really brings the whole celebration together and makes it a memorable time. With our golden theme, everything was perfect to add the golden touch to all that we did. Shiloh was so excited to hang our banners and capture the golden moments.

It turned out to be a phenomenal day and we so enjoy celebrating two incredible people in our family that add light to each day. Thankful for life.


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