Healed from Anxiety.

If you haven’t had a chance to read Part 1 yet, please do so. It will add much clarity into what I share here and my journey into being healed from anxiety. (It is titled “Struggle with Anxiety.”)

Now, I knew that I was not destined to live the rest of my life suffering from anxiety. I didn’t want to be an anxious wife or an anxious mother or an anxious friend. I wanted freedom from those chains and I was ready to be set free.

Once I had finally identified what was physically happening to my body, it gave me clarity to what I needed to target in my life. (That’s not to say you have to have a label for yourself in order to be healed) but it did give me direction in my path. The first thing I did in my walk to healing was to be very intentional about my words. Your words help shape your thoughts which help shape your beliefs. So, I knew that if I claimed this anxiety as my own, it would begin to from into the shape of my likeness. I knew it would fuse and grab hold of my Meghan-ness and begin to burrow holes of emptiness and worry into my very being.

I never used the wording “MY anxiety.” I didn’t claim it as a part of me. I was realistic that I definitely was experiencing anxiety but there was no way that I was going to make it MINE. Instead I would say things like “the anxiety that I’m dealing with right now” or “the anxiety I’m experiencing and healing through” because better believe I began speaking those healing words right away because I knew God was going to work a miracle in me.

Although this isn’t a step by step process on how to be healed from anxiety, this was part of my own particular process of healing. Because it was not overnight folks. Oh no. This was a long journey. And also knowing that God can heal you in any way He desires. It’s not going to look like my journey. It’s not going to look like anyone else’s but your own. It will be part of your story. And it’s going to be in His timing.

And listen, I know there are going to be people who doubt this. There are going to be people who try to disqualify it. There will be ones who don’t believe me. There will be people who say that they’ve tried to be healed before and it just didn’t happen for them so they think that God just wants them to live with it. People will say those things because they’ve already said them to me. And many more responses beyond that. And I’m not here to try to change your mind or persuade you one way or the other. But I am here to share my story of a MIRACLE-WORKING GOD. And that I believe He has this healing available for everyone and anyone. And you can take what you want from it from here.

Alright so step #1 for me was:

  1. SPEAK LIFE (which in turn affects our mind and our hearts). SPEAK HEALING. THINK HEALING. BELIEVE FOR HEALING. (This also includes not claiming anxiety as “yours.”)

And step #2 was:

2. Prayer. Staying so close to Jesus and speaking to Him of this healing I was believing Him for. That I knew it was possible, that I was already thankful for what He was doing in me in those times. I prayed hard and I prayed often.

Step #3: Using essential oils + taking care of my body

I know that there were many ways I could physically support my body in my healing process. This included eating better, exercising and staying active and daily use of my essential oils. I’ll share some of the oils I used and how I used them.

Cedarwood: slows the mind and calms the body; grounding oil (topically on crown of head and bottom of feet)

Lavender: can support and calming and relaxing environment (in diffuser and epsom salt bath)

Valor: to help give courage (topically on brain stem and over heart)

Peace and Calming: exactly that (in diffuser and topically on wrists and I would rub in my hands, cup them over my mouth and inhale slowly and then run my hands through my hair so I could breath in the oil in my hair as well)

Release: to help release control and trust God for his healing and hand of protection over me (topically over heart and across shoulders)

Harmony: helps to calm my nerves and bring harmony to my body (topically over heart and on brain stem)

Surrender: giving up the need for control and holding onto any burdens I was carrying (topically on heart and on forearms)

This is a good place to also talk about your breathing. Learning how to slowing inhale and exhale and find a peaceful breathing pattern that works for you can be very helpful in your path to healing. To slowly begin taking back control of your body.

I still remember the day that I began sharing how I was using these oils to help support my body and find release from anxiety. And I did a Facebook live and i was so jacked up about the fact that I knew that God was healing me from the inside out. And I was crushed, when some women, who also experienced anxiety in there lives as well, completely shut me down. They told me that what I was experiencing was not actual anxiety because if it was, I would have had it my whole life, or it would be way worse than it was (maybe as bad as theirs), or that I would have been on medication for it and officially diagnosed from a doctor. In their eyes, the symptoms of anxiety that I was experiencing was not as bad as theirs, and thus, less relevant. And they also did not believe that one can be healed from it. I immediately deleted my video, cried alone and hid. I haven’t shared about this story much at all since then. The comparison of pain and the game of “Who’s got it worse” quieted me.

Which is why I’m sharing now, because I want healing for YOU. I know that it’s possible and I’m praying and believing with you because I’ve experienced it myself. God HEALED ME from anxiety. I have had ZERO symptoms of anxiety since 3 years ago because God healed me after 9 months of suffering from it. I am a living and walking testimony of his miracle working power and faithfulness. And I’m not staying quiet about it anymore.

I don’t even worry or slightly freak out or have any inkling of anxiousness now because it is no longer a part of me. It has been wiped clean from my DNA and no longer serves as any resemblance of who i am or once was. I live anxiety FREE because of Jesus. And that is something I want to shout from the mountaintops because God is so good and YOU can walk in the freedom too!

Step 4 was faithfulness. That even though I wanted it to be a quick fix, I was in it for the long haul. I wanted to stay steadfast and dedicated to my healing journey. That it wasn’t about my timing but that I trusted in God’s timing. That no matter how many days I went without seeing the light, I KNEW, without a doubt, that I would wake up to sunshine one day. And that I would be okay with God’s timing for it because I knew that even in the dark, He was there with me. And He was working in me and growing me and teaching me and holding me even when the storms were raging. And so, I stayed faithful to His process and His way, not having any clue what it would all look like or when it would all come to pass.

#5 was diving into the Word and being immersed in worship to Him. You can’t expect to get stronger and faster by eating fast food and sitting on the couch. Nope. You gotta stay active, work out and eat right DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY. Same with our faith walk. If you want to get stronger and braver and closer to Jesus, you need to exercise those muscles DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY. Digging into the word of God, filling your homes with worship and praise and repeating His promises out loud.

And step #6 was being patient and waiting on Him. And that’s just what I did. I waited on Him. And I oiled up. And I believed. And after 9 months of suffering and struggling with anxiety that was plaguing my body and mind and emotions, I was healed. I was completely and fully and miraculously HEALED from anxiety. And I have never looked back. It was gone. Utterly and seemingly effortlessly gone. It’s not like I woke up one morning and was like “Hey, its gone!” But entire process of healing lasted months. I felt the tensions slowly ease up. I felt my breath gaining more strength and control each day. I felt my emotions become more stable and I was conscious to keep them that way and keep my mind right. I had to exercise those muscles of being in control of my thought life and not allowing fear and worry to seep in. I had to make that choice as I walked out my healing. When anxious feelings began to arise, I practiced steps of healing and health in my own mind to walk towards my freedom in it instead of allowing the thoughts to consume me and affect my physical body. I slowly began to see light seeping into my days. More and more with each passing day and I knew I was walking into more healing until one day, i realized I was there. God had completely freed me and healed me. Because we serve such a good good God and all the glory goes to Him. Thank you, Jesus. Again, thank you for healing me. And thank you for healing those who are suffering from anxiety right now, reading these words. I pray that you would consume their hearts and their minds RIGHT NOW. That you would bring peace and calm and your sovereign tranquility to their lives. That you would shed off the worry and doubt and fear and replace it with your joy and hope and truth. We rebuke the lies of the world telling us that it is acceptable and normal. Nope, not going to live life in chains because there is FREEDOM IN YOU, JESUS.

I thank you for the healing you are doing even now. Beginning this path of redemption and unshackled chains. Because you have so much in store for us. I am believing for story after story after story of the miracles you work through your healing hands Jesus. Of people being set free. We are throwing those trophies and badges and medals of anxiety in the trash and trading them in for arms raised high in praise and freedom because we are no longer held down by the paralyzing fear that anxiety rages in the world.

Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you for healing us. Thank you for dying for us. Thank you for living again so WE . CAN. BE. FREE.


And that’s Step 7, folks. Amen, because you are walking into your healing story. Right. Now. Amen.

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