Surprise Platinum Party.

I thought I would write this earlier, like shortly after it all happened, but now, I find myself here. 3 months later. And sharing about it again. And I almost like it better that way because I am reliving it all again.

This year, as the world as we know it has been insane, my Young Living business has been flourishing. So much hustle but so worth it. People, more now than ever, are choosing natural wellness for their families and also, the opportunity to build freedom + abundance for their families.

In April of this year, my husbands YL business hit the rank of Silver and along with his commission check, he also earned a $1500 bonus. In the same month, he hit an incentive called Bridge to Gold which also earned him a backpack full of essential oils worth over $2,800.

The next month, May, I reached an incredible goal in my organization when I hit the rank of Platinum. This meant that I have a monthly sale average of $100,000. This was a rank that I felt was SO FAR AWAY when I first began this business 6 years ago. Simultaneously I could never see myself in this place while also believing there was no way I would not hit it. And now, I did it. I made this huge life-changing goal and I couldn’t get over the fact that is was reality. I wanted to celebrate every single moment. And I did.

If you want to see some of said celebrations, go to my instagram @meghanjoytoday and check out my story highlights marked “Platinum” because I am queen of documenting all of life’s celebrations.


I didn’t think much of it from any other standpoint but I had this standing date with my sister to do a little photoshoot and work on the re-marketing of our YL business builder book. She had asked me to come over and all our kids could play while we did some photos and worked on the re-marketing of it. I was excited because I was ready for some re-launching of the book we worked on for over a year to become a reality.

I texted her for weeks leading up to our date to plan outfits, snacks for the kids, timing and making sure we went over everything we needed to in our timeframe. I endlessly ran dress/outfit options by her for the photoshoot. I wanted it to be perfect…. and fun. The day had arrived and I had everything packed up and I’m normally late for everything even when I give us 30 minutes headstart for whenever we need to go somewhere, but i purposed to get there on time today even with her living an hour away.

I found myself early today. I texted her that we would be early arriving and if that was okay. She texted back and said that they were spraying her land for insects or something and I couldn’t get there till a certain time. Strange but okay. I drove around with the kids in our van aimlessly. I think the fact that our air conditioner wasn’t working in the summer heat made me want to hustle there. It was 10 minutes till the start of our original plans and i figured it wouldn’t hurt to just head over.

I thought I was going to my sisters house to highlight her hair and do a photoshoot to re-market our “Reckless” book. But when I drove up and found tons of cars and then a whole group of my friends and family waiting at the end of the driveway, I knew something was up. And it turned out to be a SURPRISE Platinum Party! With my family + amazing friends and team members all there to celebrate this achievement!

I couldn’t even believe it. I was shaking and hugging everyone and in pure shock and disbelief. One of my friends said she was worried that I was upset that no one had done anything or sent anything to celebrate yet because they were all waiting for this event. But truth, I had not one time thought about or even came to my mind about someone not acknowledging this accomplishment. It’s just not the kind of person I am. I don’t even think about what was missed but just focus on the good things in front me. (i’m the not the person who knows WHO DIDN’T CALL ME ON MY BIRTHDAY- like not even something on the radar for me.)

These friends, they know me. They know what would fill my cup is being with people, lots of food, a rad photoshoot with glitter + confetti + sparklers included! And they prepared everything in this day for perfection.

I was completely blown away by the day and blessed in a way that I will never forget. I said they set the bar real high because this is how we are going to need to celebrate every person on our team who soars and rises and reaches their goals. I love the community we are building together. One of love and support and encouragement and celebration.

Blessed to be on this journey I said YES to 6 years ago. Every milestone is memorable and worth celebrating! And there’s room here for anyone. 😉

Thank you so my team who showed up in un-ending ways for love on me. I appreciate you all. I adore you. I love you.


If you want to join our crew and get your starter kit with Young Living, click here and tap on “Become a Member” and put in the numbers 1660723 for who referred you and let’s get this going!

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