An era of fruitfulness.

Really gaining perspective on the important things. How my day is spent. How I can love on others. How to take care of my family best. How to take care of my body best. And none of that in a stressful way but in a God-directed fruitfilled peaceful way.

It's easy to get caught up in the speed of life as culture takes it and forget about what truly matters. But taking a step back and gaining perspective can make all the difference. By focusing on the important things, like how our time is spent, how we can show love to others, and how we can take care of ourselves and our loved ones, we can live a more fulfilling life. And when we do it in a way that is guided by our faith and brings peace to our hearts, we can experience the true joy that comes from living a purposeful life in Christ. So let's make it a priority to live with intention and make every moment count. Let’s dive further into that as I’ve spent the beginning of January focusing on releasing old habits and forming new Spirit-led traits.

For me, prioritizing my time with God has made all the difference in the world. I have haven’t had to strive to worry about my physical, mental, and emotional health because when I put God first, everything flows so much better around that. We are so much better equipped to show up for those around us when we have fuel to give. And that fuel comes from Jesus alone. Not any artificial strife to achieve certain balancing acts + doing it by our own strength. But by truly surrendering what we thought it would look like and relying on Christ. When I do that, it helps me to get enough sleep, to nourish my body with healthy food, to stay active, and doing beautiful things in life that bring joy. But also… choosing joy in all circumstances.

When I release my expectations and trust God, it helps me to love and serve others in better in my daily life. It's easy to get wrapped up in our own problems and forget that there are people around us who may be struggling too. By taking the time to show kindness and compassion to others, we not only make their day a little brighter, but we also cultivate a sense of community and connection. Whether it's a simple act of kindness like holding the door open for someone or a more involved effort like volunteering at a local charity, every act of service can make a difference. So let's make it a habit to look for opportunities to love on others and make the world a better place, one small act at a time. Letting the love of Jesus flow through us and make a difference simply by our actions and words. Our acts of kindness and servanthood are a testament to Him.

Ultimately, living a purposeful life that is guided by God and directed towards the important things requires intentionality and effort. It's not always easy, but it is always worth it. When we live with purpose, we experience a sense of fulfillment and joy that cannot be found in the busyness and chaos of the world around us. So let's commit to living intentionally, taking care of ourselves and our loved ones, and showing love and kindness to those around us. By doing so, we can make a positive impact on the world and leave a lasting legacy of love and compassion. These are our days. Think about it. Tomorrow is not a guarantee. You have TODAY.

Remember, it's not about being perfect or having it all figured out. It's about making progress and striving to do better each day. We will inevitably make mistakes and face challenges along the way, but it's how we respond to those obstacles that truly matters. By staying grounded in our faith and seeking guidance from God, we can navigate through the ups and downs of life with grace and resilience. So let's embrace the journey and trust that we are exactly where we are meant to be.

I was shown my sin at the beginning of this year and I purposed to turn from it and impliment the Fruit of the Spirit in my life. I wanted… NEEDED a change. And that takes effort and time and humility. And its so worth it to see what God can and will do through that and how your life can be changed. I traded selfishness for selflessness. I traded gluttony for self control. I traded unforgiveness for forgivenenss. I traded idolotry for humbleness. And to see God’s hand in my life just in the past month and how those changes have manifested in my marriage, my motherhood, my relationships…. what a grateful life. God is so good.

I encourage you, if you are faced with changes you need to make in your life, approach it head on. Be ready to change and see how God will mold you and rock your world.

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