How my kids help with daily cleaning

I feel like I’m constantly shifting how we do “chores” or “tasks” or whatever you want to call it, in our home. Over the years, I try a new method and sometimes, it works for a week and sometimes, months. And I reinvent something new when it stops working.

No point in doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results = insanity.

I implemented a new chore list for our home where the kids are assigned daily and weekly tasks based on their capabilities and age levels and they are responsible for doing their tasks each day. Not for any sort of reward but because they are a part of our family and we all contribute.

I want them to learn responsiblity, time manangement and how to care for our home, animals, eachother, and every blessing God has given us on this earth.

I printed this chart out on cardstock, laminated and attached white board markers to each of their charts with velcro. Every day, they must accomplish their tasks and cross it off their list. I made the list FOR THEM so that I didn’t have ro keep track of 6 different kids tasks and also so that they could learn how to keep track of what they are responsible for each day.

Add in rewards or implement consequences if not completed if you’d like- run it how you want but I do have the digital download for the chore chart list here. Hope it works well for your family and aids in the smoother running of your household.

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